2020 Census

2020 Census Takers are now being offered $20.50 per hour! Apply for the 2020 Census today!

Starting pay for 2020 Census Takers has been raised to $20.50 per hour. Be sure to see details at 2020census.gov/jobs and apply today for this great, temporary work.
The official logo of the 2020 Census. This logo will be listed on all official Census materials along with a .GOV web address. Please note that any documentation given without this logo or a .GOV address could be fake.

Disclaimer: The following page lists various resources for the 2020 Census. It will be updated periodically as we get closer and closer to March and April 2020, when a majority of census data will be collected. Upcoming resources will include the website for online submission. Please stay tuned and check back often for new information.

Every ten years, the United States performs the census in an effort to collect information and data about the demographics across the country and all of its territories, including Puerto Rico. While the collected information is kept private and not released to any other government agencies (such as US Immigration Services or the Internal Revenue Service), it is used to help determine various governmental necessities. These include, but are not limited to, outlining district borders for community school systems, providing appropriately sized grants for educational institutions like libraries and universities, and determining representation in Congress and the Electoral College. As stated by the American Library Association, “We only have one shot every 10 years to get the census right. If we don’t, undercounted groups won’t get the appropriate level of funding for programs needed in their neighborhoods, and local leaders and officials won’t have the reliable information they need to make decisions” (American Library Association & Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality).

Simply put, by filling out the 2020 Census, you help shape your community for the next 10 years.

At the Vicksburg District Library, we want to give you all the resources we can so you can fill out the 2020 Census accurately and in the most efficient way possible for you. Please keep in mind that just like with filling out tax forms, we at the library are unable to physically fill out your forms for you. But the information and links provided should answer almost any questions you may have. If you do have any additional questions, you are more than welcome to contact Reference Librarian Adrianne at aschinkai@vicksburglibrary.org.

Please note the following important information about the 2020 Census:

  • There will be three ways to submit your census documentation in 2020. You can:
    • Submit it by mail
    • Submit it over the phone
    • Submit it online
  • All official documents and communications for the 2020 Census will have the official logo upon them. The official logo is displayed at the top of this page.
  • All official documents and communications for the 2020 Census will contain web addresses ending with .GOV. Any information from the Census Bureau will not end with .COM.
  • The Census Bureau will not email or text people asking for information. The Census Bureau will not ask for any banking and/or credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, or any form of payment. Be aware that any form of this is a scam!
  • When asked for information in person on behalf of the Census Bureau, keep in mind that “Census workers must present an ID badge that includes their photo, the US Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date” (American Library Association & Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality).
  • If you suspect fraud from any source, please contact the regional office for the state of Michigan:
    • (630) 288-9200 or 1-800-865-6384
    • TDD: (708) 562-1791
    • Email: Chicago.Regional.Office@census.gov
    • Note that this office serves Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

Apply to Work for the 2020 Census

“Earn extra income while helping your community. The US Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count” (United States Census Bureau).

The Official Website of the United States Census Bureau

“Hospitals. Fire departments. Schools. Even roads and highways. The census can shape many different aspects of your community” (United States Census Bureau).

Questions Asked

“Explore the questions you’ll be asked on your 2020 Census form. You’ll find tips for responding and information on how the Census Bureau will use your answers” (United States Census Bureau). 

2020 Census Research, Operational Plans, and Oversight

“This site details how the Census Bureau plans to engage, educate, and ultimately count an increasingly diverse and growing population” (United States Census Bureau).

All About the Census

From HowStuffWorks, a breakdown of what the US Census is, its history, its uses, and more.

Get Help Responding

Having trouble responding some of the Census questions? Several options are offered in how to get direct assistance from the United States Census Bureau with answering.

What Happens If I Don’t Fill Out My Census Form?

This article from July 2019 by Kathryn Whitbourn gives an idea of the legal consequences an adult can face if they do not fill out the census or attempt to falsify information.

Why Are They Asking That?

This article from the Population Reference Bureau breaks down each question on the census and explains its importance in being asked of all people in the United States.


American Library Association & Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality. “2020 Census.” 2019. American Library Association. PDF. 23 July 2019.

United States Census Bureau. 2020 Census Jobs. 2019. Webpage. 23 July 2019.

—. 2020 Census Research, Operational Plans, and Oversight. 2019. Website. 25 July 2019.

—. Why It Matters. 2019. Website. 23 July 2019.