Week 10

Do you smell that? Spring is in the air! Yes, we lost an hour of sleep this weekend, but think about how it will be worth it when it’s brighter tonight and the sun isn’t setting early. There are less than two weeks until we can officially bid winter adieu, so let’s finish it up … Read moreWeek 10

Week 9

Since it is now the first week of March, it is time to announce the winner of the Greatest Romance of All Time Bracket Championship. And the winner is… The Outlander by Diana Gabaldon! And, of course, if you are interested in The Outlander books series or tv series, you can reserve your copies from … Read moreWeek 9

Week 8

We hope you got outside to enjoy the nice weather this weekend! Wasn’t it so nice and sunny? Of course, by the end of the week we are looking at snow again. Winter in the Kalamazoo area, as always. Only 25 days until spring! This Week The Writer’s Roundtable is meeting this Wednesday, February 26th … Read moreWeek 8

Week 7

(taps microphone) Is this thing on? It’s been a few crazy weeks here at the Vicksburg District Library, so we apologize that we haven’t been able to keep up with the blog over the last few weeks. That being said, we are back in action and have plenty to report today! We are currently hiring … Read moreWeek 7

Week 4

Happy Monday! Are you already planning to call in for next Monday, the famed day after the Super Bowl? Whether you are a big fan of the game, the half-time show, the commercials, or (like me) the food, hopefully the week goes by smoothly for you so we can all get into the game! With … Read moreWeek 4

Week 3

Greetings and happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! The Vicksburg District Library is back open and on its regular schedule today after an unexpected closure yesterday due to the weather. We hope everyone was warm and safe through the day and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. But better safe than … Read moreWeek 3

Week 2

We hope your weekend wasn’t too gray with all the rain and ice. Temperatures are looking to slowly cool down over the next week, so be sure to bundle up if you go out. We have books, DVDs, and music here at the library to keep you warm and entertained inside all winter long! This … Read moreWeek 2

Week 1!

Happy new year! And just like that, the holidays are here and gone, and 2020 has started. We hope it will be a wonderful year for you and for all of us in the Vicksburg community. Now it’s time to get the kids back in school and back to doing what we love, which is … Read moreWeek 1!

Week 52

Here comes Santa Claus! Here comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane! Many of our usual programs will not be meeting over the next two weeks due to the holidays, so be sure to check our calendar to see if yours will or will not be in session. And just a friendly reminder that … Read moreWeek 52

Week 51

As my mother would say, there are eight more sleeps until Christmas! Are you as excited as I am? Be sure to stop in to the Library this week and stock up on some good reading for your holiday travel and vacations. The fireplace and our tree are decorated, and not only do we have … Read moreWeek 51