The other day I stepped outside to go grab a bite of lunch. Instead of hiding behind gray clouds, the sun was shining brightly. The air wasn’t bitter. The breeze was gentle and light. And you know what I smelled? Spring! Believe it or not, it is getting close. While this week looks to be another blast of winter, the warmer weather is on the horizon. I don’t know about you, but I can feel it coming!
Oh! And don’t forget to spring your clocks ahead next weekend as well!
Last Week
Writer’s Roundtable was held on Wednesday, allowing to group to catch up after a cancelled previous session due to the snow. The next session will be held on Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00pm. March’s prompt: write a poem or a brief story from the perspective of someone living in a dollhouse.
This Week
The only youth program being held this week will be Mugs & Hugs on Wednesday as Youth Librarian Stephanie is out of town on vacation. Hopefully she’ll bring back some wonderful sunshine for all of us!
Adult Book Club will be meeting this Thursday, the 7th at 9:00am. During this session, we will be munching on mixed berry muffins and discussing the books we love that bring us comfort. Our next session will be held on Thursday, April 4th at 9:00am, during which we will discuss the novel The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King. See someone at the Circulation Desk to order your copy through MeL and Interlibrary Loan.
Check It Out
Need to have a good cry? Feeling the blues lately? Come into the Vicksburg District Library then! Our latest display is filled with books that you’ll need some tissues to get you through. Some of our recommendations? Clerk Elain says be prepared for Madeline Miller’s Song of Achilles and Reference Librarian Adrianne wept at the end of Dewey by Vicki Myron.
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday the 5th @ 9:30am: Bridge Club
- Tuesday the 5th @ 12:30pm: Brown Bag Lunch
- Tuesday the 5th @ 7:00pm: Tai Chi Practice
- Wednesday the 6th @ 10:30am: Mugs & Hugs
- Thursday the 7th @ 9:00am: Adult Book Club
- Thursday the 7th @ 10:45am: Tai Chi with Ed Kehoe ($5.00)
- Friday the 8th @ 1:00pm: Ladies Library Auxiliary
- Saturday the 9th@ 10:00am: SW Michigan Button Box Club
- Monday the 11th @ 10:30am: Family Story Time
- Tuesday the 12th @ 12:30pm: Homeschool Book Club
- Wednesday the 13th @ 2:45pm: Bulldog Breaktime
- Wednesday the 13th @ 7:00pm: Vicksburg Planning Commission
- Thursday the 14th @ 6:30pm: Sign Language Class