Well, it’s been months coming, but happy Tax Day everyone! That’s right. Taxes are due today. If you are still in need of forms, come check out our Tax Forms page on our website and download both your state and federal 1040 forms. We also have links to the State of Michigan and the IRS in case there are other forms you may be after at the last minute.
Please note: We cannot offer assistance with filling out tax forms at the Vicksburg District Library.
Last Week
On Friday, adults got to enjoy our Free Movie Afternoon watching Amadeus. Unbeknownst to us, we accidentally only played half of the movie! Whoops! Anyone wishing to see the film in full are welcome to come check out the DVD. We’re sure you’re curious to see how it really ends.
This Week
The Ladies Library Auxiliary will be held this Friday the 19th. They will be hosting the senior girls of Vicksburg High School for their Senior Tea. Congratulations to the class of 2019 on your upcoming graduation! Everyone at the Vicksburg District Library wishes you the best of luck in your future!
On Saturday the 20th, the Viking Camp Reenactments by the Norsemen of Michigan will be coming to the Vicksburg District Library from 11:00am to 3:00pm! Different lectures of include information about historic metalcraft, textiles, weaponry, and tools. Weather permitting, demos will occur on the front lawn of the library. Come join us for a fun, new program!
Check This Out
This month, the Book Club for Adults is reading biographies, so our display is all decked out with fascinating personal, life stories and events. Feel free to grab one and join us for the discussion on Thursday, May 2nd at 9:00am.
Heads Up!
In observance of the Easter holiday, the Vicksburg District Library will be closed on Sunday, April 21st. We will reopen for our regular hours on Monday. Have a happy Easter!
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday the 16th @ 9:30am: Bridge Club
- Tuesday the 16th @ 12:30pm: Brown Bag Lunch
- Tuesday the 16th @ 7:00pm: Tai Chi Practice
- Wednesday the 17th @ 10:30am: Mugs & Hugs
- Thursday the 18th @ 10:45am: Tai Chi with Ed Kehoe ($5.00)
- Thursday the 18th @ 12:30pm: Homeschool Book Club
- Thursday the 18th @ 6:00pm: Library Board Meeting
- Friday the 19th @ 9:30am: Ladies Library Auxiliary
- Saturday the 20th @ 11:00am: Viking Cap Reenactment by the Norsemen of Michigan
- Monday the 22nd @ 10:30am: Family Story Time
- Monday the 22nd @ 7:00pm: Quilters Class
- Wednesday the 24th @ 1:00pm: Writer’s Roundtable
- Thursday the 25th @ 6:30pm: Sign Language Class
- Saturday the 27th @ 10:00am: Quilters Group