The following page lists websites and resources that are great for helping middle school and high school students delve into a number of topics. These have been divided into four categories: Academics, College Prep & Information Literacy, Teen Health Issues, and LGBTQ+. If you find that one of our links no longer works and needs to be replaced or if there is a particular topic you would like covered on this page, please CONTACT US. We will be happy to assist you.
Disclaimer: The Vicksburg District Library does not endorse the views or opinions expressed by the following agencies. No monetary exchange has occurred by the library or any of these agencies. Furthermore, the librarians of Vicksburg District Library are not lawyers or doctors and are not licensed to give legal or medical advice. These websites have been listed for academic purposes only.
Beginner’s Guide to Music History
From LiveAbout, this guide goes over the basics in many of music’s genres, their theories, and how they have progressed throughout the ages.
“With over 7,000 biographies and daily features that highlight newsworthy, compelling, and surprising points-of-view, we are the digital source for true stories about people that matter.”
Britannica School
“Nonfiction content geared for K-12 students. Includes over 132,000 encyclopedia articles, 103,000 images, 7,500 multimedia elements, more than 27,000 eBooks, and novels and essays. Tools include translation for 50+ languages and read-aloud functionality. Includes Lexile ranges and alignment with Michigan Department of Education Academic Standards across a variety of subjects.”
Carnegie STEM Girls
“A comprehensive site with activities, resources, and links designed to get teenagers excited about STEM – science, technology, engineering, and math.”
CIA World Fact Book Online
“Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.”
“Explaining global news to a global audience: This is the mission of CNN 10, a new, 10-minute news show that appears as a daily digital video on”
“If you know how to read you can learn how to code. Our online coding tutorials with easy-to-follow instructions, immediate feedback, and a tested curriculum take anyone from non-technical to ‘I can code.'”
eBook K-8 Collection
“Titles that support K-8 students across all subject areas. Also features a selection of teacher resources to support educators and administrators including Common Core alignment. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.”
Go Peer Tutoring
Having trouble understanding Common Core math? What about complicated historical events? Don’t worry. Go Peer has you covered. This online tutoring service matches up your child with a vetted tutor from institutions such as Harvard and MIT and helps them get past the learning backslide while school is out.
How Stuff Works
“An award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.”
How to Read Music
From WikiHow, an online article explaining the key beginning points in learning to read sheet music.
Khan Academy
“A personalized learning resource for all ages. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.”
Major World Religions
From The Quad magazine, an article by David A. Tomar discussing the summarized key points of 18 of the world’s largest religions.
Michigan Natural Resources
From the Department of Natural Resources, news and information about outdoor recreation in the State of Michigan.
MSU Science Festival
Currently preparing for the April 2023 festival! The MSU Science Festival is a free festival to celebrate the many ways science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (the STEAM disciplines) touch our everyday lives and shape our future, broaden public access to informal learning environments, create meaningful direct interactions with scientists, and inspire the workforce of the future.
NoveList K-8 Plus
“Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, books made into movies, and much more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list. Includes tools for teachers such as Lexile levels and Common Core standards.”
“NPR is a mission-driven, multimedia news organization and radio program producer…in a time of media fragmentation and sound bites, NPR has succeeded by focusing on its core: in-depth, quality news. NPR has evolved from a secondary to an essential news source, with dozens of bureaus around the world and the nation.”
“NetSmartz is NCMEC’s online safety education program. It provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children be safer online with the goal of helping children to become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on- and offline.”
Opposing Viewpoints
Browse articles of various viewpoints across a wide array of topics to understand the full scope of trending world issues.
Simply Psychology
“Complete guide to Psychology for students, educators, and enthusiasts. Find psychology articles, study notes, and learn about the theories and perspectives that have shaped the discipline.”
STEAM for Teens
Using popular games and applications such as Roblox and Blender, teens can learn to code and create different STEAM related projects in a variety of online classes.
Student Art Guide
“The Student Art Guide is an art education website dedicated to helping high school art students excel. We provide art project ideas, motivation, and tops to help students reach their potential.”
Voice of America
Articles and videos on news and current events from around the world.
College Prep & Information Literacy
College Prep Guide
“The College Prep Guide is a comprehensive online resource guide and directory for your college preparation.”
Finding Reliable Sources
This subject guide provided by the University Libraries of the University of Georgia breaks down what a reliable source is when it comes to writing papers and taking in news and discussing where such sources come from.
Information Literacy – What to Know
“Today’s digital landscape offers young people unprecedented access to tools and resources for learning…foundational information and digital literacy skills…can help set kids up for success as lifelong learners.”
Is My Source Credible?
“The definition of a credible source can change depending on the discipline, but in general…a credible source is one that is unbiased and is backed up with evidence.”
LearningExpress: PrepSTEP
Get ready for college with practice tests (SAT, ACT, AP, etc.), practice high school success skills, study for the GED test, explore careers, and review math, science, language arts, social studies, and computer skills.
Purdue (OWL) Online Writing Lab
Research guidance and citation help in a number of different academic writing styles.
The Reality and Solution of College Plagiarism
Presented by the University of Illinois at Chicago, this infographic displays many of the issues revolving around plagiarism in the classroom today.
SAT Suite of Assessments
“The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity.” SAT practice tests and other materials.
“When misinformation obscures the truth and readers don’t know what to trust,’s fact checking and original, investigative reporting lights the way to evidence-based and contextualized analysis. We always document our sources so readers are empowered to do independent research and make up their own minds.”
Standardized Practice Exams
From Varsity Tutors, free practice exams of some of the most popular standardized tests in the United States, including the SAT, ACT, and GED.
Teaching Information Literacy Skills
“Are your students drowning in information, misinformation, and downright bunk?…Teaching information literacy skills has never been more important.”
What is Fake News
Including a video explanation from Wired, this page from Webwise explains what constitutes as fake news, why it is such a hot topic, and what you can do to watch for it and avoid it.
Teen Health Issues
Alcohol & Your Health
From the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Department of Health, articles, statistics, and more about the human body and how alcohol can affect it.
American Sexual Health Association
“The American Sexual Health Association promotes the sexual health of individuals, families and communities by advocating sound policies and practices and educating the public, professionals and policy makers, in order to foster healthy sexual behaviors and relationships and prevent adverse health outcomes.”
Human Anatomy
Articles and diagrams of the many anatomy systems of the human body. From Innerbody, a resource created by doctors and academics to help readers and patients make the best decisions for themselves when it comes to testing in medicine, genetics, health, and nutrition.
I Wanna Know
“This is where you will find the facts, the support, the resources to answer your questions, referrals, and get access to in-depth information about sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, and more.” Produced by the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA).
National Alliance of Mental Illness
“Mental health conditions are common among teens and young adults. 50% of all chronic mental illnesses develop by age 14 and 75% develop by age 24. A mental health condition isn’t your fault or your family’s fault — these conditions develop for complicated reasons that researchers are only just starting to understand. But we do know a lot about how you can live well with a mental health condition.”
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
“We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Dial 988.”
Teen Eating Disorders
Information from the Mayo Clinic. “The exact cause of eating disorders is unknown. However, certain factors might put teens at risk of developing eating disorders.”
Teen Health
From Nemours, a non-profit children’s health system, articles and resources on teen health, ranging from body and sexuality, to food and fitness, to diseases and infections.
Teen Substance Use
From the Center on Addiction. “Use of addictive substances—tobacco/nicotine, alcohol and other drugs—during adolescence interferes with brain development, reduces academic performance and increases the risk of accidents, homicides, suicides and serious health conditions, including addiction.”
“For almost 100 years, the ACLU has worked to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws of the United States.”
Bisexual Resource Center
“The Bisexual Resource Center envisions a world where love is celebrated, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Because bisexuals today are still misunderstood, marginalized and discriminated against, the BRC is committed to providing support to the bisexual community and raising public awareness about bisexuality and bisexual people.”
Pronounced “glisten.” “Our mission is to ensure that every member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.”
GSA Network
“GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.”
Human Rights Campaign
“As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest, and safe at home, at work, and in the community.”
National Center for Transgender Equality
“Advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.”
OutFront Kalamazoo
“OutFront Kalamazoo’s mission is to create an inclusive, just, equitable, and supportive environment in Southwest Michigan for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions. Whether you’re looking for community, resources, or just a safe space to be in, please feel free to contact us.”
Point Foundation
“Point Foundation empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles put before them – to make a significant impact on society.”
The Trevor Project
“The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.”